Monday, March 25, 2013

From Colored Eggs to Happy Hour

I'm nearing the end of a project for work that leaves my brain swirling with words like capacity building assessment, program relevance and integration.  It's good to have my brain squeezed and my eyes squinting at spreadsheets once in a while, and I'm grateful that my working brain to mama brain ratio seems to have leveled out to something manageable.  I'm also grateful that after a full year of blogging I've managed to keep Realized Mama in the mix.  It's not work.  It's not parenting.  It's indulgent and fun.

Speaking of indulgent, I declared happy hour on the upstairs deck in the sunshine.  The girls were playing in their room, a chicken was roasting in the oven for dinner, Drew was cleaning up from work, and me, I had my ass parked in an adirondack chair in the sunshine with a glass of wine in hand and a spectacular island view to enjoy.  Bliss.

The girls are in full on Easter mode, kicked off by a lot of food coloring and vinegar,

and just a dash of sass.

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