Friday, May 17, 2013

Jack Arnold

The girls and I loaded ourselves into the car full of intention to go to the grocery store and stock up for the weekend.  We made it to the other side of Edison and decided to have lunch at the Edison Cafe instead.  With full bellies and a quick stop at WD for cough medicine and peanut butter m&m's we turned for home and hunkered back in to our we're-all-sick-and-tired routine.

The cafe has this hand drawn map of Edison from 1940 on the wall that includes our "house."

Our building is the "Boy's Workshop" for the highschool.  Now I'm feeling motivated to find out who Jack Arnold was.  I picture him as a rebellious dandy with greased back hair and a twinkle in his eye, hopping up on the window sill in his chuck taylors and carving his name into what is now the trim above my living room window. 

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