Monday, May 21, 2012


Why did you decide to move to Edison?
The first real date Drew and I went on 10 years ago was to an art opening at the Edison Eye.  It was a sunny summer day and we took a walk around town and daydreamed about living in such a sweet place, rich with art and history and nature.  I remember feeling in love with where we were and who I was with.  Afterwards we drove up Chuckanut drive to the Black Cat for drinks and he asked me what my criteria was for a boyfriend.  My off the cuff answer was:
1.  brown hair (shallow, right?!)
2.  no lying or cheating
3.  over 30
He smiled at me and said, "I can do that."  And so it began. 

Three years later, at another Edison Eye opening, we spotted the for sale sign on Jeff Osborne's woodshop.  We peaked through the windows, imagined what could be, and started spinning the wheels of how the hell could we pull it off?

Within a year we moved in after working like maniacs to create a habitable space.  Our wedding was our house warming.  Roots were set.

Where are you from?
I grew up in Homer, Alaska and still call it home.  My parents encouraged my brother and I to experience life in the lower 48 - preferably West of the Mississippi - so I moved to Bellingham for college and connected to what life had to offer me here.  My roots and family will always be in Alaska, and luckily I can take my daughters there for extended stays so Alaska will be part of them too. 

Are you an artist too? 
Nope.  I certainly am an appreciator though.  Drew and Wes realized a dream by buying our building and expanding their business to include an art gallery.  I stay behind the scenes and pull my creative weight with gardening, writing and occasional face painting.

What are you?
Ethnically ambiguous apparently, because I get asked that a lot!  My mom is Italian and my dad is Irish and Austrian.  I would blend right in with the Soprano family, so the Italian genes seem to have conquered my gene pool.

Are you done?
Procreating?  Why yes.  Two daughters and this quota is full.

Are you still glad you decided to stay home with the girls?
Every day.  How better to use that master's degree in Conflict Resolution and those years in management and as a mediator than parenting?!

Why did you start blogging?
I love to write, but over the years of being uber career focused I became disconnected from my creative voice.  My family and home are my world right now, and that's my realized dream - and blogging keeps me connected to the outside world in a realistic way.

How do you do it all?
Just kidding!  Nobody has ever asked me that.

Any other questions?  Ask away!

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