Our friend Gunther used to breeze into town in his Charlie Brown bus on spring days like this to "work on his social skills" with his friends of Edison. I was thinking about him hard this morning while pulling weeds. He died almost three years ago and I still find myself wondering when he'll stop by for a visit.
One of my favorite things about living in this busy tiny town is that when I start turning into a reclusive weirdo from too many home-bound days with feverish kids I can just take a quick walk through town and exercise my social skills Gunther style.
The girls and I made it as far as the Lucky Dumpster across the street to visit with James and Jesse and hit up their $1 toy bin. Jesse inaugurated us in to the toy exchange option - so Genevieve is already rummaging through her toy baskets wondering what she's going to trade in next time.
Here's Marguerite with noodles and her new friend:
Genevieve added this character to her menagerie:
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