Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Bookstore and the Shark Tank

Marguerite fell asleep this morning on the couch - too tired to keep the pace up another day.  Genevieve and I slipped away for a rare outing with just the two of us and bee lined it to the Homer Bookstore for hot chocolate and paper dolls. 

My brother and I would get lost in books there for what seemed like hours when we were kids.  Joy Post would lean her head around the counter and say, "oh hello Rosemary" and Darren and I would know we had time to thumb through books while our mom visited with her.  Did the bookstore used to be in the Lakeway Mall?  Thirty years ago?  Whoa - thirty years ago. 

Here's G reveling in the kid-scale corner:

Once Marguerite was rested and regrouped we met up with Emi and Cory and our broods at the Farmer's Market.  The raindrops were temporarily replaced by mosquitoes.  Genevieve and Anna Coral managed to do a Children's Garden project regardless:

Auntie Erica took G on an adventure to see the animals at the Wagon Wheel Trading Post while Marguerite and I played with the cousins. 

Disclaimer:  it was completely voluntary on their part that they spent the better part of an hour in a play pen playing shark tank. 

Marguerite ended up looking like this for the second time today:

Sister needs a day off.

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