Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marguerite (not Margarita) Mornings

Marguertie gets SO excited to go into Genevieve's preschool and play for a bit while her big sister gets settled in.  Then, when we get home, she gets SO sad when she realized that G isn't there too.

"G?"  she asks repeatedly with her little palms raised in the air and a big question mark on her face:

This is typically followed by a big sad cry with forehead to the floor and bum in the air.  Once we make it through this ritual of the missing G she collects herself and gets a little twinkle in her eye that says, "G is at school and I have mama, books, and toys all to myself!"  and that's when it gets fun.

Then she settles into G's big girl bed for snuggle time before her nap:

Once all is quiet on the Vallee front I go downstairs and drink a margarita - just kidding!  Coffee.  If I'm lucky I get a kid free phone visit in with my mama, a solo shower, and a few mouse clicks. 

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